Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Social Media Marketing

For the final year project I had taken up the topic 'Social Media Marketing'. This is what I learnt from it:

Most companies had a wrong perception about social media during its inception however gradually with so many success (and failure) stories lessons have been learnt. Companies have now started realizing that only by creating accounts on different social media websites will not serve the purpose.

Also while marketing through this medium a structured process is needed to be followed which most of time is ignored by the companies. Generally someone from the marketing department is assigned the task of managing social media accounts. This makes sense only when the budget allocated for marketing activities is less. However, if you are a big company and looking to create a huge impact through this medium, hiring professionals to carry out tasks will bring success to your organization.

This medium offers a unique feature of interacting with your customers. It should be used wisely. Social media is not about you (company) but everything about the audience. They must not be ignored. Many a times I have seen brands simply posting status updates, they think their job is done there. Who is supposed to respond to the reactions of the audience? When you respond to what people have to say about you, they feel connected to you.

I am sure no other media helps you to reach your target audience so specifically. With social media you are rest assured that your marketing activities is directed to people interested in your brand and your potential customers. The waste of your marketing messages falling on deaf ears is eliminated.

There has been a huge debate about social media ROI (Return on Investment). The case studies mentioned in this project clearly indicate that if social media is used appropriately the returns are guaranteed. On the other hand, any haphazard treatment of social media marketing will lead to the downfall of the brand.

One of the major challenges still remains as to how you deal with all the ‘hate messages’ and negativity of your brand floating on social media. A powerful brand will come out with innovative ideas and strategies to tackle this issue.

Social media is all about relationship building. When I tweeted about a certain problem with my mobile service provider on my twitter account, the company immediately got back to me and asked me, “How could we help you?” More than anything, I was happy that my voice was heard. How did the company find me? The answer to that will be will, ‘POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA’. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Do you really hate your Ad-critics?

Since the day I joined twitter, I have very much been addicted to it like any other social networking site. I believe twitter is the best virtual place to find out what people are talking about your brand unlike facebook which has its own limitations.

Like any other day, I logged on to twitter and noticed  that people my in timeline were talking about recent ads of Docomo starring Ranbir Kapoor. Majority of them found it very lame and few girls who were head over heels for Ranbir were very supportive of the ads. What I conclude from all the buzz around, with people talking about your ads whether good or bad is actually working in the favor of the company in building brand awareness.

One day it happens so that I come across people talking about an ad which I had no clue about (it is a very rare case coz there isn't a single ad which slips out of my sight). Next, I am on a look-out for this ad and in the process when I spot it, i get myself enlightened to what it has to say (unintentionally!). Isn't that the case with all of us?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Marketing seeks nothing more than 'Innovation'

Marketers are required to come up with innovative means to advertise a product.


How many of you mute or change the channel on television/radio when you know there are series of ads lined up for you?

It very important to catch your audience off-guard, to deliver your message completely!

Rest, the video is self-explanatory.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I am a 'Social' animal

If you have read my first post you must have realized by now how intrigued I am about social media. Do you realize what power it possesses? I wonder if there is anyone above age 10 who doesn't have a facebook account. When I did an assignment on 'Social Network Marketing', I was totally amazed as to how much this medium has to offer. However, if marketers don't use it wisely they are bound to fall flat on their face.

I am not some social media guru but I would like to share a few myths as far as this medium is concerned:

1. Only Facebook and Twitter:
These are the most popular social networks without a doubt and you shouldn't think twice before investing here, however, your target audience might be hidden in a rabbit hole. GO FIND THEM!

2. Creating profile on every possible website:
Though having your accounts in most of these websites is free, it does not mean you create your space there and leave it to goodness sake. It might become a breeding ground for negative feedback and comments. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN IT!

3. One way traffic:
Don't bombard your customers with information. Use this 'interactive' space to your advantage. LISTEN TO THEM!

Image Source: www.seosocialmedia.net

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Doesn't the Amul girl amuse you?

I am quite sure I might not receive a single negative response from anyone for that question unless you have been spoofed upon! Whenever I travel by car my favorite pass-time has always been to look-out for hoardings and what they had to say. The Amul girl has rather been too popular to ignore. Whenever I spot her I literally strain my neck in a speeding car so that I don't miss out on the message. Its the brainchild of Sylvester daCunha, then managing director of the advertising agency AS. Amul girl seems like to be the lucky mascot for the brand Amul so much so that the ad campaign has hit the Guinness World Book Record!

What has worked for this campaign?

Humor-spoof appeal: When someone is made fun of, don't we like it?

Regularity: They have constantly come up innovative ideas to make sure people don't forget them!

Comic Strip: The animated Amul girl was easily moulded to suit the theme of the campaign.

>> Here are some of my favorites..

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello Ad-World!

I have always been very critical of ads that I come across. That includes not only tv ads but also of the ads in the social network that we have been bombarded with! I believe that companies who overlook social media as a form of advertising are losing edge over the others. Social media has so much to offer. This is main reason why I have taken up 'Social Media Marketing' as a topic of research in my third year and will share in this blog all the new and exciting things I find out until then I am sharing my current favorite TVC which contains the right amount of humor and puts it point forward. I am always partial to the insurance ads coz they tend to have the emotional connect.